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Bayarri or Bayerri is a surname. One theory of its origin is that it is derived from the Catalan names Bayer or Bayés, which may in turn refer to Bayeux in northwestern France.[1] An alternative theory is that it is a Basque name, derived from a place in Álava in northeast Spain, a historic Basque territory.[2]

It is the surname of:


  1. ^ Estadística española, p. 118, Bayarri y Bayerri. Apellidos de CS que parecen derivar del siguiente. Bayer o Bayés. A causa de este frecuente cambio fonético del catalán. Lo más seguro es que señale el origen de Bayeux (Francia). VL y CS.
  2. ^ "Bayarri", Heráldica Valenciana, Instituto de Historia y Heráldica familiar, retrieved 2018-04-18