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Siu-Leung Lee

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Siu-Leung Lee (李兆良) is the President of Zheng He (Cheng Ho) Society of the Americas, Washington, DC, and editor of Midwestern Epigraphic Society in Columbus, Ohio.[1]

Lee was born in Hong Kong on November 17, 1943. He attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he obtained a BSc degree in Biology and then attended Purdue University where he obtained a PhD degree in medical chemistry.[2] Lee worked at Yale University and Texas A&M University before leaving academia to become a research scientist, first at Corning Inc. and then at Battelle Memorial Institute. He served as associate director of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology and general manager of HKIB-Syntex Inc. In 1993 he founded Asiawind.com. He was director of the board of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium from 2008 to 2010.


  • Lee, Siu-Leung. "China Mapped America Before 1430." ICC2017 Online Proceedings. Washington, DC, Jul 4, 2017.[3]
  • Lee, Siu-Leung. "Did Chinese Visit Pre-Columbian America? A Few Bones to Pick." Midwestern Epigraphic Society Newsletter 32, no. 1 (2015): 3–6.
  • Lee, Siu-Leung. "Maps that turn world history upside down." Midwestern Epigraphic Society Journal (Midwestern Epigraphic Society) 26-29 (2015): 4-24.
  • Lee, Siu-Leung. "Zheng He's voyages revealed by Matteo Ricci's world map." Chap. 15 in “Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World”, by Lin Sien Chia and Sally K. Church, edited by Lin Sien Chia and Sally K. Church, 307–335. Singapore: International Zheng He Society, 2012.[4]
  • Lee, Siu-Leung李兆良. “Kunyu Wanguo Quantu Yu Li Madou Zhongguo Zaji Zhongwai Yiben Kaoyi 坤舆万国全图利玛窦中国札记中外译本考疑 [Kunyu Wanguo Quantu and translation of Matteo Ricci's China Journal].” Science of Surveying and Mapping 测绘科学 42, 5 (2017b): 35–43.
  • Lee, Siu-Leung李兆良. “Huang He Gai Dao Yu Ditu Duandai:Zhongguo Dituxue Xichuan Bianzheng 黄河改道与地图断代:中国地图学西传辩证 [The Course of Yellow River and Map Dating].” 测绘科学 42, 4 (2017a): 1-9,16.
  • 李兆良. 《坤輿萬國全圖解密 - 明代中國測繪世界》. (Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu, the first Chinese world map, Linking Publishing Co, 2012. In Chinese). 台北: 聯經出版社, 2012. ISBN 9789570839760
  • 李兆良. 《宣德金牌啟示錄-明代開拓美洲》. [Revelation of a Xuande medallion found in America – Ming Chinese contact with America, Linking Publishing Co, 2013. In Chinese.]. 台北: 聯經出版社, 2013. ISBN 9789570842838
  • 李兆良. 《坤舆万国全图解密 - 明代中国与世界》. (Decoding Kunyu Wanguo Quantu: Ming China and the World), Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2017. In Simplified Chinese font. 上海交通大學出版社, 2017. ISBN 9787313164032
  • 李兆良. 中国发现澳洲 – 鹦哥地、厄蟆、火鸡的启示.. 海交史研究 61 (2012): 60–84.
  • 李兆良. 坤舆万国全图资料源自中国 – 明代环球测绘世界(上). 郑和研究 80, 编号 4 (2010): 14–20.
  • 李兆良. 坤舆万国全图资料源自中国 – 明代环球测绘世界(下). 郑和研究 81, 1 (2011): 14–21.
  • Lee, Siu-Leung李兆良.明代中国人环球测绘《坤舆万国全图》—兼论《坤舆万国全图》的作者不是利玛窦. [Ming Chinese circumnavigation and mapped the world - Kunyu Wanguo Quantu not constructed by Matteo Ricci].Science of Surveying and Mapping测绘科学, 217 (7, 2016): 59–66.
  • 李兆良. “郑和船队是否到过美洲.” 东方收藏 27 (2011): 24–26.


  1. ^ "Officers". Archived from the original on July 2, 2017. Retrieved September 21, 2017.
  2. ^ thc 2004 schedule - website of Toronto Hakka Conference
  3. ^ ICC 2017 Archived 2017-09-20 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ Lee, Siu-Leung (May 2012). "Zheng He's Voyages Revealed by Matteo Ricci's World Map". Zheng He and the Afro-Asian World.